
Feverish Landscape

The Feverish Landscape is a research project of Vemo Hang. 
“Landscape” is not merely the product of a vision but when engaging elements/ the land held in tension, in other words, held in relationship. -- Francois Jullien 

Landscape, Fluidity, Gateway, 80x70cm, mixed medium on canvas, 2022
Landscape, Fluidity, Gateway, 80x70cm, mixed medium on canvas, 2022

Space - Scape 60x 70 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022

Space - Scape 60x 70 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022 (Detail)

Untitled Landscape, acrylic on canvas 
80x50 cm ,2022

It, 50x80 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022

Space Folding Series -The Views from Two shores-DuiJing  oil and wax on canvas each 260x 120 cm, 2019
Space Folding - Views from two shores
Oil and wax on canvas, left 2019

Space Folding Series -The Views from Two shores-DuiJing  oil and wax on canvas each 260x 120 cm, 2019
Space Folding - Views from two shores

Oil and wax on canvas,  right 2019

Space Folding Series -The Views from Two shores-DuiJing  oil and wax on canvas each 260x 120 cm, 2019
side by side

Space Folding  oil and wax on canvas 260x 120 cm, 2019
Space Folding 

Oil and wax on canvas, 2019

Exhibition View, Shanghai Studio, 2020